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R & D department is aiming to create value for customers and is obliged to ensure continuous improvements and developments at the basis of products quality and services in the frame of the principle “ensuring the customer satisfaction at the highest level”.

1. Developing the products which will cover the customer requests at the highest level,
2. Developing new products based on the market demands,
3. Ensuring the company superiority in terms of the follow-up of the products in the market and the product quality and diversity,
4. Following the developments all over the world relating to the subject and reflecting these developments on the products and services.
5. Working in coordination with the Product department on the subjects of personnel and customer training, product promotion and forming and realizing the necessary training programs.

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Add: No.185, West Yunhe Road, Guangling District, Yangzhou, China

Tel: +86-514-87200419 Fax: +86-514-87204105 Mobile: +86-13815833420

E-mail: sales@yangtaichem.com

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